Monday, June 19, 2017

Owl-Spy brooches

Based on my experiences as a seller on Etsy I suggest that people buy items with the image of dogs only if they have dogs, otherwise they prefer wild animals. A woman which likes pugs photo on Facebook will not buy a mug with a pug. Inasmuch Pekingese are in the end of the top 100 popular dog breeds, I thought how it is possible to combine the pekingese with a wild animal. Some sketches with a pen - and scared owl turned into a spy. I'm not a jeweler, but I hope that this brooch of a mysterious owl will help my store stay afloat.
Funny jewelry, funny brooch, owl brooch, sunglasses owl, black glasses owl, SPY OWL, spy brooch, sunglasses owl brooch, black heart brooch.




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